Frequent questions
In how much time will my request be delivered?
Orders come directly from Spain or China, it takes us 24 hours to process each order, then the shipping company is in charge of sending it to your location where Correos delivers it in an estimated period of 1-3 days (the average is about 24 hours per order, however, some shipments may take longer due to conditions beyond our control).
All our shipments have a tracking code to know where your order is at all times.
Is it safe to buy in your store?
100% secure, we use the most secure payment gateways to process payments for our orders, in addition, we do not store credit card data for any payment, these are processed directly with the bank.
*Refrain from false disputes as they will be invalidated when you send the tracking code and will limit your PayPal account.*
Can I cancel the order or return the product?
We process all orders the day after they are placed. If you have purchased an item incorrectly or have any problem, you can request a full refund of the order by email. If the order is not processed, we can refund the entire order. However, if the order is processed, it will be possible to return the order once it is delivered, however, the costs of return shipping are the responsibility of the customer.
The product will only be returned if the product received is different from the images on the website or has a notable defect (which is almost impossible given that all products are manually checked before being sent).
No money will be returned or refund offered in any other case.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we ship worldwide! But depending on the country, shipping may take more or less.
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